in association with Equator HD, ITVS International, Knowledge, DR (Denmark), Canwest-Hot Docs Completion Fund, Rogers Documentary Fund

Olga Nenya, from a small Ukrainian town, is raising SIXTEEN BLACK CHILDREN in the country of Slavic blue-eyed blonds. It is probably the most unusual family in all of the former Soviet Union… a massive family where no one is related by blood but everyone is connected by the color of their skin and by the woman who chose to be their mother. The reality of growing up as a bi-racial child in Eastern Europe, a rare and truly visible minority, is not for the weak at heart. It might only be compared to the courage of one single woman taking on the upbringing of so many children alone.

Download more info HERE or
contact the Producers via EMAIL
tel: 604-638-8920.



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please download it HERE. If you experience any issues with viewing the video above you can dowload a quicktime file HERE.



Every orphan needs a family, every child deserves loving parents. Cathy and Martin Ward found such a child, Alyona, a seven-year-old girl from an orphanage in Ukraine and decided to adopt her. That’s when they learned that Alyona has one younger and three older siblings in the same orphanage in Ukraine, two of them in their late teens, all children remembering their turbulent childhood. The heavy emotional and psychological baggage of an older child, multiplied by five, could have scared almost every adoptive parents, but not Cathy and Martin. The Wards couldn’t imagine separating the siblings and they enthusiastically jumped into the uncertain waters of international adoption.

Over the last three years our camera has captured many moments of tenderness, but also stress and tension. Now the children are here and a new chapter in this new family's life begins. Email Us for additional info.


Interfilm Productions is a Canadian production company with a focus on telling compelling stories with a wide world appeal.

Documentaries to date:
Love Translated - dating tours to Eastern Europe - screened at Chicago and Vancouver International Film Festivals
True Love or Marriage Fraud? The Price of Heartache - for CBC, Knowledge, with support by Rogers Cable Fund
From Russia For Love –adoption from Russia - sold to 26 countries–distributor Journeyman UK
Fatherhood Dreams –gay men parenting–distributor 7th Art Releasing
Moscow Freestyle – North American expats in Moscow - national broadcast in Canada, Israel, Poland

Interfilm Productions, 304-1515 W. Hastings St., Vancouver, BC V6G 3G6, Canada
tel:+1 604-638-8920 fax:+1 604 899-4353
e-mail: website: